Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025
Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025
The Daily Post

Ashuganj Power Station faces production problem for gas

Staff Reporter

Ashuganj Power Station faces production problem for gas

Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL) is one of the largest power hubs in the country. Its 6 units currently have a total power generation capacity of 1,647 MW. It is not common to see so many power units together in any power plant in the country. This important plant is generating electricity at a cost-effective price compared to other power plants. But due to the lack of gas, this center is now producing an average of 950 to a maximum of 1,200 megawatts of electricity and giving it to the national grid.

In other words, although there is a production opportunity, on average of 450 to 700 MW electricity is being produced less from this power hub. Again, Bangladesh Power Development Board or PDB owes Tk 4,500 crore for the power bill of this power hub. APSCL authorities have to take loans from various banks to run the power plant without getting the bills. On April 20, it was revealed that the power hub was visited on the ground. Initially, APSCL started its journey in July 1970 with two power plants with a capacity of 128 MW.

In 2010, APSCL set up a 50 MW power plant with its own funding. It began commercial production on April 30 the following year. On July 20, 2013, the implementation of four more energy-efficient large power plant construction projects began. Which started commercial production on May 8, 2015 and December 9, 2016, 2017 respectively. These are 225 MW CCPP, 450 MW CCPP (South), 450 MW CCPP (North) and 200 MW Modular.

The Ashuganj 400 MW CCPP (East) project is completed in November 2023 and is supplying electricity commercially to the national grid. Of these, unit number 5 was retired last year. It is known that the electricity generated through APSCL generates more than 7 percent of the total demand of the country in the national grid. The main fuel for this power plant is supplied by Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited. Average cost of production per unit of 5 running units of APSCL is Tk 5.06 and average fuel cost per unit is Tk 3.0977. Syed Ekram Ulla, managing director of APSCL, said that we are not able to produce the required electricity as gas is not available as per the demand. But if we get gas, we will be able to provide 200 MW more electricity to the national grid than the amount of electricity we are producing now. We have requested the concerned quarters to provide another 10 MMcfd of gas. We are currently getting 160 to 170 MMcfd of gas.

Despite the power generation capacity of 1,600 megawatts, we are unable to generate power due to lack of gas. Our electricity bill is outstanding with PDB. We continue to take loans from various banks. Since our evacuation is done at three different voltage levels, if the demand is low at any voltage, it may not be able to take the full load, and then sometimes there is a fault in the power transmission.

Engineer Md Abdul Majeed, Executive Director (Operation and Maintenance) of APSCL said that 4 of the 6 units here are combined cycles. One is engine based. Another is modular. The gas-engine powered 50 MW power plant is now generating 48 MW of electricity. 357 MW electricity is being generated from 450 MW Combined Cycle (South). 354 MW electricity is available from 450 MW (North). Although we have a capacity of 1,647 MW, we are not able to generate enough electricity for gas. 230 MMcfd of gas allocated to APSCL. But now we are getting 160 to 170 MMcfd of gas.

 He also said that 1,200 megawatts of electricity was produced from this power plant on Saturday. 160 MMcfd of gas was supplied on that day. There was a gas shortage of 70 MMcfd. Due to gas shortage; this electricity production is further reduced to an average of 900 to 950 MW of electricity. If the allotted gas is available according to the demand, then 1500 megawatts of electricity can be generated from here. As it is a big power hub after supplying electricity to the national grid it goes to Comilla, Shahjibazar, Sirajganj and Bhola. For this, electricity is distributed to the national grid through 230 KV, 400 KV and 130 KV transmission lines.

State Minister for Power Nasrul Hamid told reporters after inspecting the power plant that our capacity here is 1,600 MW. But of course, its power generation depends on the availability of gas. I am getting less gas here. Again there is some issue with circulation, it cannot take full load. Here it is necessary to ensure that the availability of gas is increased in any way. At the same time, the power transmission capacity should also be increased.

A.K. M Gause Mohiuddin Ahmed , Managing Director of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB) said that a misunderstanding has arisen with the idea that there is a problem with power transmission in Ashuganj. Currently there is no problem with power supply.