Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post
Mujibnagar Border

Reckless smugglers

Meherpur Correspondent

Reckless smugglers

The number of smugglers has increased at Mujibnagar border in Meherpur. At one time, smuggling was limited to cattle and drug trade, but now dollars, smartphones and even foreign birds have become a route to smuggle. Despite the anti-trafficking operations in border areas initiated various time, they are largely out of reach.

It was known that Saiful Islam of Madhyapara and Ashraful Islam of Nayapara of Sonapur village of Bagwan union of Mujibnagar upazila have been allegedly smuggling uncontrollably in the area for long time. Their names in border areas as smugglers are an open secret. However, Ashraful Islam has blamed Saiful Islam.

Locals said Saiful is a rural veterinarian by profession. He walks around all day with a bag of medicines on his motorcycle. There are very few records of him treating. There is also nothing visible about ancestral property. People in the area questioned how he suddenly managed to own three bigha of land and a three-storey house. Saiful Islam is accused of crossing cows at the border. Moreover, the villagers know that at one time he was caught with Phensedyl in an outlying district.

Regarding the complaint, Saiful said that he is not involved in illegal smuggling in any way. Anyone can make such accusations by being hostile to him.

When asked about the smuggling of the border, Mujibnagar Police Station Officer-in-Charge Mehedi Rashel said, "In fact, many people of Sonapur area are involved in smuggling. We have arrested a few people and handed them over to the court. That's an ongoing process."