The upazila administration has fined Tk five thousand against three businessmen as they carrying out raids aimed at controlling commodity prices in Madanhat market of Hathazari upazila of Chattogram. The operation was conducted under the leadership of Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Lutfun Nahar Sharmin yesterday. In addition to fines, traders are warned about storing the purchase receipts and displaying the price list in the shops.
Confirming the raid, the Executive Magistrate said that for the crime of not having a price list by monitoring the price of goods and selling expired goods, a fine of Tk 5 thousand was paid through the mobile court in 3 cases and the receipt of the purchase of the goods was mandatory in the shop. All are warned about reservations and price lists. Policemen of Hathajari Model Police Station and employees of Upazila Land Office cooperated in the operation.