The production of Jamdani was patronized by the Mughol Emperor. Under British emperors, the Bengali Jamdani and Muslin industries rapidly declined due to colonial import policies. In recent years, the production of Jamdani has witnessed a revival in Bangladesh. Jamdani is typically woven using a mixture of cotton or silk and gold or silver thread.
In 2013, UNESCO declared Jamdani as “Intangible cultural heritage” and in 2016, Bangladesh received geographical indication (GI) status for Jamdani Sari which further increased its demand. Hence, we must take various steps to make Jamdani popular and a little bit cheap.
Jamdani is the brand product of Narayanganj district of Bangladesh. Around 350,000 people of this district secure their maintenance with this product. It has huge potential to contribute to the regional employment, even, overall GDP growth of the country.
BSCIC took up various initiatives from 1982 to improve the condition of Jamdani industry and to make it a beneficial sector. BSCIC conducted a survey in the Tarab Union in 1962-63, when 1466 Jamdani industrial units were traced out there. The number came down to 1173, when the second survey was conducted in 1964-65. After the liberation, BSCIC conducted another survey in 1993 and found that only 1119 weavers were engaged in Jamdani production. According to the next survey conducted in 1999, the number of Jamdani weavers increased. Later, in 2002, the number of artisans rose to 5,699 and the number of Jamdani industrial units stood at 1528 and the number of operating looms was 2519.
The government of Bangladesh undertook several measures to develop jamdani industry, which include establishment of a “Jamdani Industrial Estate and Research Centre”. Its objective is to enhance production quality and marketing facility, provide infrastructural facilities to the jamdani artisans, rehabilitate the jamdani entrepreneur and weavers, promote the socio-economic status of the skilled and experienced jamdani craftsmen, supply designs and samples of jamdani having high demand in markets to the artisans, conduct research of improving the qualitative standard and excellence of jamdani product. BSCIC started the construction work of the Jamdani Industrial Estate and Research Centre in Noapara village under Tarab union of Rupgonj upazila in Narayangonj district in July 1993 and completed the work in 1999.
Government has to take many more steps to relive this sector. Government may declare a Jamdany day and entrepreneurs may organise Jamdani fairs, fashion shows and other events to make Jamdani more popular.
E-commerce and F-commerce are playing vital role to promote Jamdani. There are more than 38 million Facebook users in Bangladesh. There are thousands of Facebook pages which sell Jamdani. The price, information of products and so many things differ from every page to page. The consumers are very confused. This is high time, government shall take some initiatives, so that the consumers can find their Jamdani with reasonable price and the quality should be ensured according to the price.
Government should support the start up companies in this sector. It is a matter of regret that Jamdani is not available in 64 districts in the country. There should be direct cash support to the weavers as well factory owners for the next 10 years.
Our child should know more about this historical product; including essays and paragraphs on Jamdani in school and college text books may help to make them know about this product.
Jamdani will, definitely, help Bangladesh strike a trade balance by exporting it to the whole world and earn foreign currency. With the support of government, it is not impossible to start a funding scheme which would enable the artisan and entrepreneur to get necessary resources to develop new materials to produce Jamdani sarees.
Bangladeshis, who resides outside of Bangladesh are very choosy in buying Jamdani. They want to purchase Jamdani for its quality, and extraordinary design. Government may take initiatives to organise Jamdani fairs in countries where significant number of Bangladeshi people live will make people interested about Jamdani and it will help us to earn a good number of foreign currencies.
Not only Jamdani Saree but also Kamiz, Panjabi, Skirt, Gown, Handkerchief, Carten, etc. can be made with this fabric. We must work on that too. We have to make various diversity on this field to make it popular with the help of the renowned designer.
Government and we together have to take the above-mentioned steps to spread the use of Jamdani. This will exaggerate the demand of Jamdani and ensuring its continuation in the coming years.
Owner, Sajer Koinna
and Assistant Professor
Notre Dame University Bangladesh