Wednesday, 18 Sep, 2024
Wednesday, 18 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post

Connecting road not paved in 92 years!

Gurdaspur Correspondent

Connecting road not paved in 92 years!

-1,200 students with teachers have to suffer

- Worshipers-patients-farmers depend on this road

-Students can’t go to school in monsoon

-famers in trouble with crops in that road


The connecting road of Durgapur Government Primary School and Durgapur High School and College in Biaghat Union of Gurdaspur Upazila of Natore has not been paved in 92 years. The road, which is only half a kilometer long, becomes so muddy and wretched during monsoons that it becomes almost impossible for nearly 1,200 students and teachers to travel to school. Also, the worshipers, patients and farmers of that village depend on this connection road. Because the Jame Masjid and the Community Clinic are set up next to the school. And during the monsoon, the farmers of Durgapur village have to bear extreme hardships to bring their crops through this road.

According to local residents, the institution was established in 1932 and the school is located just half a kilometer from the main road. But the students have to suffer every day due to lack of paved roads for years. Especially during the monsoon season, the road is full of mud, which becomes impassable. As a result, young students are prevented from attending school regularly.

The headmaster of the school, Rafiqul Islam, said, "Many students get tired while crossing the road every day. Many times they fall in the mud and lose their school dress, so they cannot reach school on time. In this situation, their studies are seriously affected."

Local people and guardians have been demanding the paving of this road for a long time. However, no effective action has been taken so far. According to them, if this short stretch of road is paved, the long-term suffering of the students will be reduced and the learning environment will also improve.

Biaghat UP Chairman Md Mizanur Rahman Suza said, I am making a strong demand by drawing the attention of the concerned authorities to immediately pave this connection road which has been in poor condition for a long time. Its paving will ensure safe and easy commuting for students, which will play an important role in improving the quality of education and alleviate the hardships of rural farmers.

Upazila Engineer Md Milan Mia said that the connection road is in the proposal. A lot of new work has been put on hold due to the change in government. The link road will be paved very soon.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer Salma Akhter said that the connection road will be paved very soon thinking of the young students.