Friday, 14 Mar, 2025
Friday, 14 Mar, 2025
The Daily Post

Crime increases lack of security

Al Ehsan

Crime increases lack of security

28 killed in political violence in November

46 journalists were tortured in the last month

People want rapid action

Al Ehsan

Crime is increasing at an alarming rate due to the failure of the state to ensure security. The trend of child abuse, abduction, murder or murder inside the house is gradually increasing due to lack of security.
And what needs to be done to reduce crime is not visible from the state or the government. Although there is a big change in law enforcement, many officials do not understand the nature of crime.
In the first two weeks of this month, five murders and one abduction took place in the capital, Sylhet and Bogura's Sherpur. Four of the six victims were children. Besides, six more people were killed in the capital in connection with mugging, disputes over dominance and family or personal feuds.
But those things happened outside the home. Those crimes have sparked criticism of security. And in the last two months, there has been growing concern about the safety of people due to various crimes, including murder, across the country. This information is known from the victims and law enforcement sources.
According to the sources, only 146 women and children have been killed across the country in the last two months. Of these, 62 were in September and 84 in October. Three people, including two children, were murdered in their own houses in Dhanmondi and Pallabi areas of the capital. And in Azimpur, the robbers also took away the infant along with the robbery goods. Besides, the father tried to commit suicide after slitting the throats of two children in Pallabi.
A UK-based doctor has been hacked to death with a sharp weapon at a house in Dhanmondi. The murder took place on the first floor of a five-storey house on Dhanmondi 8/A Road.
It is known that the owner of the house is Abdul Rashid. He arrived in the country from the UK in September. On Thursday midnight, the tenants of the house suddenly heard the sound of screaming from their house. Then some fled. Police have not been able to arrest any accused in the case till yesterday.
According to sources, in the past 10 months, there have been 460 murder cases in various police stations in Dhaka. Among them, the highest number occurred in September, with 148 cases. Additionally, in August there were 119 cases, 59 in July, 58 in October, 18 in March, 16 in May, 14 in April, 13 in June, 11 in January, and 4 in February. Furthermore, in the past 10 months, there have been 183 robbery cases, 29 dacoity cases, 87 kidnapping cases, and 509 theft cases. Among these, in August, September, and October, there were 39 robbery cases, 14 dacoity cases, 47 kidnapping cases, and 96 theft cases.

However, many people do not report incidents of theft and robbery to the police due to the hassle involved. This is why the true picture of crime does not emerge in these statistics.

In November, 12 people were killed and 15 injured in 21 incidents of mob beating in the country. At least 16 people were killed in 103 incidents of political violence during this period. At least 599 people were injured.

The Human Rights Support Society (HRSS) released its Human Rights Report for November yesterday.

"Political violence, mob lynchings, political cases, arrests, attacks on journalists, killing of workers, custodial deaths, attacks on minority communities, border killings, violence against women and children continued in November," HRSS said in a press release.

After the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government, when the interim government came to power, the human rights situation improved on some issues, but the overall situation is not showing the expected progress.

Referring to the unstable and violent human rights situation last November, the HRSS human rights report said that the most worrying incident last month was the clash in the Chittagong court over the release of ISKCON leader Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmachari.

Apart from this, there were disgusting incidents like vandalism, arson, beating up Amir Hossain Amu's lawyer in the court, and throwing eggs at the judge in the courtroom. Some people were beaten up in front of the Awami League central office on Shaheed Nur Hossain Day. There have been at least 12 clashes between several colleges and universities in different parts of the country. At least 225 people were injured.

According to the HRSS report, of the 103 incidents of political violence in November, 51 took place between BNP and 23 between BNP and Awami League. At least 46 cases were filed against Awami League leaders and activists last month. A total of 444 people were arrested in these cases. Of them, 428 are Awami League leaders and activists. Last month, 46 journalists were tortured and harassed in at least 27 incidents, according to HRSS Monthly Human Rights Report.

Police arrested the killer of deceased Shahida from Bhola yesterday within a short time by using Information Technology. People gain trust in this kind of appreciable work.

Additional Police Commissioner (ADC) of DMP Media Division, Obaidur Rahman said, according to the statistics of month-based murders or murders, many cases were filed in August, September, and October. Just because a murder case has been filed in those three months does not mean that the murder took place in those months. Many are also suing for murders in the past.

Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police Headquarters Enamul Haque Sagar said that 999 should be called immediately in such cases. Inform the police before spreading it on social media. Police stations will cooperate quickly and try to arrest the accused. Every issue including child abduction, infanticide, mugging, robbery, and murder is being taken seriously. The accused are soon detained. The police station is investigating every incident with equal importance.