Thursday, 06 Mar, 2025
Thursday, 06 Mar, 2025
The Daily Post
26th death anniversary

Dr. AR Mallick: More than just an individual!

Md. Maksudul Haque Khan Miraj

Dr. AR Mallick: More than just an individual!
Dr. AR Mallick Photo: Collected

We regular folks don‍‍`t turn into "institutions," we stay as individuals. However, certain specific individuals are turned into an institution by their special shared behaviors. Each of them turns into a lighthouse that directs us. On the occasion of Professor Dr. AR Mallick‍‍`s (Azizur Rahman Mallick) 26th death anniversary, these remarks particularly sprang to mind. Dr. A. R. Mallick, a significant figure in Bangladesh‍‍`s education, society, progress, and intellectual community, passed away on this day in 1997, 26 years ago.

Reverend Dr. Mallick has played a unique role in the development of Bengalis and Bangladesh. In his life of 79 years, his voice was always fearless for progress and welfare. He is well known to the Bengali nation as a professor, researcher, essayist, intellectual and a symbol of non-communal thinking. In the crisis of the nation, his fearless utterance of truth was above any party-opinion. Like the messenger of the universe, he is a sign of modest, clean lifestyle and intellectual practice.

Dr. A. R Mallick was born on 31 December 1918 in Rajapur village of Dhamrai Upazila of Dhaka District. His father‍‍`s liberal mindset and secular spirit in government service permeated his childhood. His father Ismail Mallick was a devout Muslim, but at the same time kept away from all fanaticism. A. R Mallick, Balai Basak and Nirananj Sarkar were two piece in a pot in Manikganj Model High School.

 In 1941, he joined the history department of Dhaka University as a lecturer. He was appointed as Assitant House tutor at Salimullah Hall of Dhaka University. But within a few days, he left the job due to differences of opinion with the then Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mahmud Hasan.

After that he taught in Chittagong Government College for some time. In 1942, Rajshahi College Principal Snehomoy Dutta called him to Rajshahi College. He stayed there for 12 years and his multifaceted talents developed there. In 1961, some of this group together published the progressive literary culture magazine ‍‍`Purba Megh‍‍` from Rajshahi. The country was under the rule of the military ruler Ayub Khan. Very sad time that was!!. Dr. Mallick is the publisher of the newspaper with a declaration in his name from the office of the District Commissioner. It‍‍`s an adventure. Azizur Rahman Mallick then got involved in various positions in the administration of Rajshahi University. Head of History Department, Dean of Arts Faculty, Director of Library, President of Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Teachers Association. Moreover, the responsibility of Curator of Barendra Research Museum is also on his shoulders. Dr. AR Mallick‍‍`s contribution in building Rajshahi University is undeniable.

In 1965, he moved to Chittagong as the project director of the new university and was appointed the first vice-chancellor when the university was officially inaugurated in 1966. In 2001, the administrative building of Chittagong University was named ‍‍`Dr A. R Mallick Bhaban‍‍` in his memory.

During the Second World War, he had to go through mental anguish during the German Nazi forces‍‍` extermination of Jews. We had to see the values of democracy being crushed. Dr. Mallick‍‍`s faith in democracy, trust in secularism and horizons of free thought have evolved day by day. Religious frenzy and communal riots erupted after the partition of Pakistan. Dr. Mallick was disappointed. He was fearless in the Bengali struggle against neo-colonial powers in East Pakistan throughout the fifties and sixties. Bengali language and culture was the main source of inspiration and inspiration at that time. In the 60s, when the Pakistanis were conspiring against our language and culture, Dr. AR Mallick was at the forefront of the intellectual struggle with the Bengalis over the demand for autonomy.

His role in the liberation war of 1971 will forever be written in golden letters on the pages of history. He was the only VC who resisted with students and teachers during the Liberation War and later during his stay in India, ‍‍`Bangladesh Teachers Association‍‍` and ‍‍`Bangladesh Buddhijibi Mukti Sangram Parishad‍‍` were formed under his leadership.                                               

He played a crucial part in the administration‍‍`s need for fresh, timely leadership following the foundation of Bangladesh, as well as in the restructuring of the education system motivated by the liberation struggle. Dr. Mallick‍‍`s talent was essential to Bangabandhu‍‍`s efforts to develop the nation. From 1972 until 1975, he served as Bangladesh‍‍`s first education secretary, finance minister, and country‍‍`s first ambassador to India (as well as Nepal and Bhutan). He has had some degree of success in each of these.

He was silenced by the nation‍‍`s founding father‍‍`s murder on August 15, 1975. He lived during Bangabandhu‍‍`s reign. Dr. Mallick  had a deep passion for Bangabandhu. Because he loved Bangabandhu so much, he was able to love his country so passionately. He objected to any effort to minimize Bangabandhu‍‍`s role in the struggle for Bangladesh‍‍`s independence. After Bangabandhu‍‍`s passing, he lost hope.

When Professor Zillur Rahman Siddiqui served as vice chancellor at Jahangir Nagar University in 1983, AR Mallick was appointed an "Emeritus Professor." He was appointed the non-paid chairman of National Bank Ltd. in 1983. To become the first private bank with 100% Bengali capital and Bangladeshi ownership, the bank was taken over. With his vision, insight, commitment, and experience, Dr. Mallick has transformed National Bank into the nation‍‍`s top private sector bank. He left after that and retired in 1995 with his customary repute.

Professor A. R. Mallick is a well-known thinker and educator in Bangladesh. He participated actively in a number of organizations and institutions as president, convener, and member. Many groups, societies, and organizations honor his legacy and contributions, including Bangladesh Asiatic Society, Bangla Academy, Bangladesh National Museum, Bangabandhu Parishad, Liberation War Research Trust, Bangladesh-India Friendship Society, and Bangabandhu Parishad.

Dr. Mallick, a historian, is a well-known figure in Bengali history. He was a wonderful historian as well as a great scholar. In his hands, history has evolved into philosophy. 1) British Policy and the Muslims of Bengal, one of his important works (1757-1856, Asiatic Society, 1961). 2) Bangladesher Mukti Sangram and Amar Jibon Katha (1995, forthcoming) additionally, a large number of his publications have appeared in reputable journals both domestically and overseas. With his insightful recommendations, Dr. Mallick has always aided students and researchers in their historical studies. He inspires kids and makes for an excellent teacher.

Dr. A. R Mallick is a name, a policy, an ideal, an integrity He thought that people without ideals could not contribute anything to the society. He wanted to pass on to his country, to the future generations, a beautiful land of wisdom and pursuit. Like Rabindranath he also wanted to see the victory of beauty and truth

The legacy of Dr. A. R. Mallick will influence the next generation. They will be enthralled by the fantasy of eradicating prejudice and projecting a smart persona. He made up our past. In a small nation like ours, not many people become legends. Dr. Mallick was one of them, and with his labor he erected the entryway of our creation. By way of that door, we advance into the future.

A few days ago I read a book titled ‍‍`Death‍‍` translated by Fazlul Alam. Can any of us accept -death dear? But it is true that death is inevitable. This consequence has to be accepted. But death is great in one‍‍`s energetic actions. Judging from this point of view, the death of Dr. AR Mallick can be said to be a great departure. Behind his work was good thought, good initiative.  We believe that Dr. Mallick‍‍`s chapter in the society, state and history of Bangladesh will never end even through death. Rather, he will continue to burn among us as an island flame. The soul of this free-spirited man, freed from the body, took refuge in the Infinite. In a dignified manner, he is buried eternally in the National Freedom Fighters and Intellectuals Cemetery. Today, on the 26th death anniversary of this famous person, we pay our respects and offer our humble tributes to him. We pray for his soul to rest in peace.