Thirteen-year-old child Sinta. Sadia Akhter Sinta has been suffering from heart valve and heart valve disease since birth.
Her little body is suffering from various physical problems including shortness of breath, abnormal heart sounds and fatigue and weakness. He is now lying in bed. Sinta wants to recover and live.
Sinta's father is Mominul Islam. A day laborer by profession. He said that Sadia Akhter Sinta was born with heart hole and heart valve disease. They did not know this. If the child goes to the doctor with a physical illness, they should be sure about the diagnosis. The child is undergoing treatment for two and a half months. While under treatment at Rangpur Medical College Hospital last November 8/2024, assistant professor of cardiology department, heart and medicine expert Dr Abu Zahid Basunia asked to take baby Sinta to National Heart Institute of the capital for operation. My daughter is crying in bed at home due to illness.
Sinta needs four and a half lakh taka for the operation. But in this situation it is impossible for the family to bear the cost of this treatment. So Sinta's parents are asking everyone for financial help and prayers to save their child.
Means of sending aid- Mominul Islam, account number-0100263107432, Janata Bank PLC, Kurigram, Trimohani branch. Bikash and Nagd-01311677495 (Sinta's mother-daughter).