Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024
Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post

Incessant rain disrupts normal life

Md Imran Khan

Incessant rain disrupts normal life

# Middle and low-income ppl in trouble

# Rain continue next three days across country

# Cultivated land submerged in water

# Load shedding continuous


Incessant rains for the past few days have brought life to a standstill. Incessant rains in various parts of the country including the capital Dhaka are in a bad situation. Stagnation has come down in working life. Traveling to the workplace including the office court has to be put through various sufferings. Even in agricultural work, many complications have arisen. Due to heavy rains, agricultural land has been submerged, as a result of which farmers are unable to plant paddy seedlings in most parts of the country despite the season. Besides, waterlogging has occurred in the country's sub-tropical regions of Bhola, Barishal, Patuakhali, Khulna, Noakhali due to continuous rains of the last few days. The depression created in the Bay of Bengal has intensified and turned into a deep depression over land. Due to which continuous rain started from last Friday.


Low income people are in crisis due to hostile weather. The normal life of the capital has come to a standstill due to the rains of the last two days. After the intense heatwave, the rain brought some relief to the public life but at the same time made the employees and laborers suffer. Due to continuous rain, many people do not come out of their houses, but the laborers have to go out on the streets because of their stomachs. While the able-bodied use umbrellas or raincoats to protect themselves from the rain, the laborers have to work drenched in the rain. However, the income is not as per demand. Md Abdullah rickshaw driver Radhani in puran Dhaka said that due to the rain, the number of passengers on the road is less and therefore the income is also less. People don't leave home because of rain. Meanwhile, people of various professions of the capital are in trouble due to traffic jams and vehicle crisis. Due to lack of adequate transportation, the employees have to suffer to attend the work place. A private employee named Russell said that there is a bus crisis on the road due to the monsoon and the jam is a very bad situation. He also said that it is not possible to go by rickshaw, if they see a little rain, they increase the fare. Meanwhile, the continuous rains of the last few days have brought stagnation in the agricultural work of the villages.


Even though it is the season of planting rice, the paddy fields have been submerged due to heavy rains. In Khulna region, various crop fields have been submerged due to rain. According to the information of the district meteorological office, the rain started from last Friday afternoon. Heavy and moderate rains since that day. However, moderate continuous rain has started since last Saturday afternoon. It rained 64 millimeters in 24 hours from 6 am that day to 6 am yesterday.

39 mm rained in 6 hours from 6 am to 12 noon on yesterday. Earlier, 80 millimeters of rain fell from Friday afternoon to yesterday morning. The wind speed was between 15 and 30 kmph during the last few days. Kazi Jahangir Hossain, Deputy Director of Khulna Agricultural Extension Department, told the media that 5,500 hectares of Aman paddy fields were submerged in water due to continuous rain in Khulna. 2 thousand 385 hectares of vegetables have been damaged. Dumuria and Batiaghata upazilas have suffered the most damage. Meanwhile, the low pressure has also affected Bhola, the country's only island district. The continuous rains of the past few days have caused waterlogging in various parts of the district. Moderate to heavy rains with gusty winds have caused distress to farmers.

Most of the paddy fields are submerged under water, as a result of which many are unable to plant rice. A farmer named Ruhul Amin said that because of the continuous rains of the last few days, the paddy fields have accumulated a lot of water, so they cannot plant paddy. Meanwhile, due to excess water, rice seedlings are also getting damaged. Meanwhile, load shedding is extreme across the district on the pretext of rain. If there is a little rain, the customers of the electricity complaint district are stopped. The citizens of the district have been suffering for the last few days without continuous electricity.


Meteorological Department said about weather conditions

The Meteorological Department said that rain will continue across the country for the next three days. Along with that, there is a risk of heavy rainfall in some places, the agency also said. Such information has been given in the forecast for the next 72 hours from 9:00 am on yesterday. According to the three-day forecast, there may be light to moderate rain or thundershowers with temporary gusts or gusty winds in various parts of the country from yesterday to next Tuesday. At this time, there may be heavy to very heavy rainfall in some parts of the country. Apart from this, day and night temperatures may remain almost unchanged across the country. However, day and night temperatures may increase by 1 to 3 degrees Celsius across the country today. The forecast says that the day and night temperatures may increase by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius on Tuesday.

As for the extended five-day weather conditions, no significant change is expected during this period. According to the weather synoptic conditions, the land deep depression is located over Gangetic West Bengal and adjoining areas. It may move further west-northwestwards and weaken gradually. The extension of the monsoon axis extends over Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, the center of deep depression and central Bangladesh into Assam. Monsoon is active over Bangladesh and strong over North Bay of Bengal.

Meanwhile, the country's highest rainfall of 223 millimeters has been recorded in Patuakhali in the last 24 hours till 6 am on yesterday. On the other hand, the capital has been continuously raining since last Saturday night till writing this report.