Wednesday, 16 Oct, 2024
Wednesday, 16 Oct, 2024
The Daily Post
World Rural Women‍‍`s Day held

Rural poor women lag behind in education-economy-nutrition

Zahid Hasan

Rural poor women lag behind in education-economy-nutrition

-Women don’t get just wage like men in rural areas

-Rural poor women in dire straits with nutrition, mental-psychical health

-Installments are another barrier for poor family

-NGOs, Dev orgs inadequate to alleviate rural women’s condition except govt help



I do not prioritize any event day. If you work, you will get rice. If you don't work, you will have to suffer and can’t eat. Three women workers mumbled such words. Three women workers breaking bricks on the roof of Idris Howladar's building in Madaripur new town area share the same tone. Everyone's husband makes a living by driving rickshaws. Due to the increase in commodity prices, they have taken the hammer to meet their basic needs. Yesterday was World Rural Women's Day. The day is celebrated on October 15 every year to raise awareness and rights of village women.

Although the world is progressing in terms of civilization and technology, the village population is lagging behind. Especially the village women's society. Although the local women's organization has been vocal in demanding women's rights, the women of the village have not yet been able to match the tone of the protest. Household vegetable gardens, poultry and livestock rearing – all contribute to maintain the health and nutrition of their family members. They do everything possible to keep secured supply of food.

They usually eat last after everyone’s eating. No matter how much poor a village family is, they eat at least two meals a day. Even though the day is very important, rural women are not much aware about it. When asked about the day, the three brick-breaking workers regretfully said, “gradually we will die one day while working." But don't let our children to face trouble. How much allowance has the government given? We have never received any allowance. We will work and eat as long as we live.

It is known that Nurunnahar Begum's family went well with her husband's income at the beginning of marriage. He was well off on what he earned. Later, after the birth of a boy and a girl, the cost increases. The prices of goods are also increasing due to which the husband's income does not support the family. Later she borrowed some money from the NGO. While repaying that loan, she saw that there was no money to buy food. Days go by half-starving. She said, even if i don't eat by myself, i can't keep children in starvation.


Later, I went down the street to look for work. Who will give me work? I am illiterate so I didn't even know how to do higher jobs; I wasn’t interested to break bricks either. Days go by and years go by, I hope the government will do something. No one wants to help the poor. In the world, everyone likes the rich people. We will have to work hard. If we break a brick, we can eat otherwise not. On top of that, think of installments. The loan is increasing and increasing. If you pay one, you have to take another. A laborer named Nurunnahar Begum (43) who lives in the slums of BASIC industrial area of ​​the city regretfully said these things.

She isn’t alone there are two other women named Asma Begum (41) and Kahinur Begum in that residence. All three of their husbands make a living by driving rickshaws. The women workers also said that the cost increases as the boys and girls grow up. The price of goods increases eventually. I do not see any way out of the loan. After this, it is the turn of boys and girls to get married. Then you have to take a loan. One day I will die to repay that loan. I may not see the face of happiness in lifetime.

If you want to marry, you have no choice but to work. Madaripur district does not have any garment or mill factory where a little peace can be found. We have to break bricks in the sun all day long. I get Tk 5-6 hundred daily. And I pay installments to run the family with what my husband earns. We don’t get brick breaking work when they hear we are women. They agree to pay men more but they don’t want to pay women like men. However, you have to work for your stomach.

On the other hand, Madaripur sub-registrar's women Nakal novices’ employees have the same tone. Even if they work hard all day, they cannot earn the same wages as men. As they move less and less in different places in the society, they are not known with many people, even if they are given work, they are not trusted by the common people. Why do they look down on women? Why do you think women's writing is not as good as men's? Due to this discrimination, they do not get much income. Besides, some of them cannot be officially registered or they are not made official even after working for years. Men can somehow build a position after working for a few years. They can make the job permanent. Compared to that, women are neglected. They cannot be considered worthy even by the general public. These things can be heard by talking to some Nakal novices.

Women in Bangladesh can be as productive and enterprising as their male counterparts. But they do not have equal access to land, credit, agricultural inputs or markets. Most women's contribution to agriculture remains invisible. However, it is almost impossible to run a household and save money in poor families without the support of men. It is worth recalling the role of rural women in various fields including rural development, food security and poverty alleviation. However, it is not acceptable in this era of family violence and discrimination of rural women in the workplace. Besides, in Madaripur, women are equally participating in the work of cutting the soil, work in the crop field, hoeing the land, and making roads in Madaripur.

Some women Nakal novices said, what else we can do, we were born as a woman. No problem. The creator gave this life.

It would not have been so difficult if He had been sent us as a man. If a man does the same job, he is paid twice as much. That work actually comes down to half for women. Why do they get priority in job permanence? Why so much discrimination? We do not do more than men, but we do not work less than men. We do not want this discrimination. We don't want such behavior in modern era.

Conscious circles think that sustainable development goals cannot be achieved without ensuring women's rights and security. It calls upon rural women to assert control over their own lives, strengthen their position in the family and society, and participate in the decision-making process. For this society and family must change their attitude and mentality.

Also they have to recognize that they are nation builders. That is why they should be valued and respected. It is well known that women of all classes in Bangladesh are victims of oppression and negligence. However, rural women and girls are more likely to suffer from poverty and negative social norms and practices. Apart from being discriminated against in the family as well, in most cases they lack empowerment. Research shows that poverty rate is higher in rural areas than urban areas in most parts of the country which has a disproportionate impact on rural women. We have to get rid of this.