Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024
Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post

Toxic nitric acid is used everywhere in Asashuni

MM Noor Alam

Toxic nitric acid is used everywhere in Asashuni

-No one obeys acid using rules

-Poisonous air is a threat to public health

-Toxic smoke can cause various diseases. It should be used in a closed room or chimney instead of open place

Badiuzzaman Khan, Teacher and Environmentalist.


Toxic nitric acid is being used freely in Satkhira's Asashuni. Its toxic fumes are a threat to public health. Its consequences are becoming dire day by day. Shopkeepers use this nitric acid for making gold ornaments which causes damage to the human body of the nearby public including shopkeepers. It has been seen that small and medium-sized gold shops have been established in different markets of Asashuni. These shops are using this poisonous nitric acid illegally. Nitric acid, originally known as aqua fortis and spirit of nitre, is an active mineral acid. The compound is colorless in its pure state; the old acid takes on a yellowish color as it decomposes to form nitrogen oxides and water.

Commercially produced nitric acid has a concentration of 68%. When the concentration of nitric acid is more than 86% it is called “fumed nitric acid”. Fuming nitric acid is divided into white and red based on the presence of nitrogen dioxide. Nitric acid with a concentration greater than 95% is used as the main reagent in the nitration reaction. Nitric acid is commonly used as a strong oxidizing agent. However, even if there are regulations for the use of this acid, no one follows it. Although there is a rule to use a separate room and chimney for its use, this is not seen in most shops. As a result, the use of nitric acid in open areas has caused harm to the public. Due to the free use of nitric acid, common people are suffering from various diseases including breathing problems and asthma due to the toxic fumes of this acid. In this regard, several jewelers who do not want to reveal their names said, we use nitric acid to make ornaments. We use it with extreme caution, so as not to harm others.

A resident of Assasuni named Arif Mahmud expressed his worries about the use of nitric acid and said that the jewelers traders are using it randomly without obeying the rules and don’t care about the environmental issues and more than that they are not aware with the bad effects of the using of nitric acid. Those who know the bad effects of the fume of that acid are just neglecting it. we are anxious about it cause it may cause the breathing problem and cause lungs problem.

Teacher and environmentalist Badiuzzaman Khan said, Nitric acid is an active mineral acid. The toxic fumes of this acid can make common people suffer from various diseases including breathing problems and asthma. Therefore, it should be used in a separate room or chimney instead of in the open. The victims along with the conscious circles have drawn the attention of the District Administrator and policy makers to impose conditions on the use of this nitric acid.