Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post

Leftist student politics declines

Staff Reporter

Leftist student politics declines

-At present, the condition of national politics is in a precarious state - Mujahidul Islam Salim, former VP, DUCSU

-We work for the trust of students-workers- Sayedul Haque Nishan, President, 'Ganotantrik Chhatra Council'

Student organizations have been run as 'game makers' in national politics in pre- and post-independence periods. Although they are supposed to work on the interests-crisis-rights of the students, currently the student organizations are seen working more in the interests of the main party or the mother party. The student organizations have become factions in the right-left segment in the politics of Bangladesh since before independence. Left-wing student organizations played an active role in the language movement of 1952, the mass uprising of 1969, the independence war of 1971 and the post-independence student movements. Left student organizations were one of the focal points of discussion in the mass uprising of 90s. As before independence, the organizations maintained their zeal in the 80s and 90s. But now the left-wing organizations have lost that enthusiasm and are on the way to extinction. The rich history of Left student politics has been tarnished. At present, the left student organizations are trying to survive through wall writing, press releases, which are in crisis of existence. Sometimes processions are seen in meetings but those processions are limited to 10/12 people present in the meeting.

Students are no longer seen in the processions of the pre-independence and 80-90s student organizations. Dhaka University Bangladesh Chhatra League (JSAD), Bangladesh Chhatra Maitri, Bangladesh Chhatra League (JSAD)-BCL, Bangladesh Chhatra Samiti NAP, Bangladesh Chhatra League (BASD), Bangladesh Students Union, Samajtantrik Chhatra Front, Samajtantrik Chhatra Front (BASD) Marxist, Bangladesh Students Federation , Although there are political activities of the left student organizations called Biplabli Chhatra Maitri, no other organization other than the student union is observed to have extensive activities across the country. Among them, the activities of student front, student alliance are running on a limited scale in some universities of the country, but they are not present in significant activities. At one time, JSAD-supported Chhatra League's activities were visible in Islamic University, but in the last 8 years, the organization has failed to build a political stronghold there. Now there is no such activity in sight.

Chhatra League has established single control over the country's educational institutions. On the other hand, the religious-based student organizations could maintain their existence in the political arena by playing a strategic role, but the left organizations could not increase their influence even if they united, could not bring back the colorful days of the rich history. At various times, the left organizations in the name of different morchas have tried to unite and carry out movements together, but those initiatives have failed. Instead of being united, there have been incidents of giving divided committees in their own organizations. At present, wall writing, Facebook campaign, notices and banners have come to the organizational activities of the left student political organizations that once played a role in the national level student politics. They are not able to finish the organizational meetings successfully due to their internal conflict.

Bangladesh Student Union has been playing a major role in the student politics of the country since before independence. The leaders and activists of this organization, which is the oldest among the left-wing student organizations in the country, were divided into two groups in 2021 based on the formation of the committee. Later, the leaders of the two parts of the organization held a separate council in this line. The organization was divided into two committees from the council. Since then, two committees of two parts exist in the student union. Even organizational meetings are held separately. As a result, leaders do not meet workers except 10-12 people in individual programs. Another left wing student body, Students Federation, is in the same situation as Chhatra Union. Along with Junayed Saki's Gono Songhoti Andolon, Badruddin Umar's Jatiya Mukti Council is another part of the existing student federation. In addition, the student front was divided in 2018. This student organization is divided into two separate sections, Marxist and Khalekuzzaman sides. Another organization called 'Ganotantrik Chhatra Council' is currently running the operation after breaking the broken part. However, these organizations do not exist outside Dhaka University. They are seen in gatherings with 8-10 workers in Dhaka University as well.

Ragib Naeem, president of a section of the student union, is unwilling to accept the fact of losing lightness. He said that "Today's situation is outcomes of the free market economy. But our work is to agitate. We are on that path. I don't think the left organizations have lost their enthusiasm. Rather, students are not able to participate in the program of our organization due to the continued pressure of the Chhatra League." He said, I have struggled for the students in the past and I am still doing it.

In response to the question whether the left organizations are dying of conflict, Ragib Naim said, "Even though we are divided, 8 left-wing student organizations are conducting activities unitedly. This alliance is one and is working together."

However, Sayedul Haque Nishan, president of the central committee of the 'Ganotantrik Chhatra Council', admitted that there is no left student politics in the previous state. He said, free market economy is one of the reasons. Besides, since the 90s, the system of student councils has been removed from the campus. As a result, opportunities for students to speak out about their rights are diminishing. The opportunity to work on the rights of students, to do politics has been curtailed. The student leader said about the party conflict and division, "We students and workers work with a place of trust. We have to be divided from the ideological place. We are trying to build a student movement to complement the political movement of the working class."

Mujahidul Islam Salim, elected VP of DUCSU and former president of the student union, former president of the Communist Party of Bangladesh, said, "The left student organizations have not been able to match themselves due to the current state of politics. Never before has there been repression like the present. He said, "Greed, financial advantage of some student leaders is responsible for creating this disparity." However, he expressed hope that if the situation changes, the organizations will be able to play the same role as before. They are still working. Their activities are not being observed and seen closely for persecution of the rulers.