Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
Sunday, 08 Sep, 2024
The Daily Post

ACC sues against DB inspector couple

Md. Masum Billah

ACC sues against DB inspector couple
Photos: Collected
  • Family lives in USA
  • Multiple plots and houses in capital

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed a case against former Cumilla detective Police Officer-in-Charge (OC) AKM Manzoor Alam and his wife Mrs. Nargis Akhter as the preliminary investigation found evidence of illegal acquisition of assets. Although they have a lot of wealth in the country, they are currently living in the United States with their children. The wife of this former detective officer is building multiple plots in the capital Dhaka and Manikganj and building a house in Mirpur with her husband's illegal money. ACC found evidence of illegal wealth acquisition by the DB official and his wife during the preliminary investigation. An application was then made for approval of the case.

On the 13th of this month, the ACC head office approved the case. Papan Kumar Saha, Assistant Director of ACC Integrated District Office, Cumilla, filed the case as the plaintiff yesterday. Nargis Akhtar and her husband former Cumilla Detective Police OC AKM Manzoor Alam are accused in the case. It has been mentioned in the statement of the case, that the accused have kept an illegal asset which worth Tk25 lakh 13 thousand 916 for dishonest purposes. Which is an offense punishable under Section 27(1) of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act 2004 and Section 109 of the Act. According to ACC sources, the accused couple is currently living in the USA with their husband and children. Their wife Nargis Akhtar is an individual income taxpayer. She deals in fish handicrafts and cottage industries.

During the investigation, the ACC got information about Nargis Akhter's assets worth Tk 87 lakh 65 thousand 916 including movable and immovable. Of them immovable worth Tk 73 lakh 59 thousand and movable Tk 14 lakh 6 thousand 916. To acquire this wealth, income from her business, agricultural income, land sale income, house property income, security interest income, fishing income, and bank loan total income information is available. A perusal of her income tax documents revealed an expenditure of Tk 19 lakh 46 thousand 500 on family and other expenses during the acquisition of wealth. Besides, she paid Tk 950,000 in 2015 for the rent of the fish farm. As a result, her total expenditure stands at Tk28 lakh 96 thousand 500.

After deducting expenses from income, Nargis Akhtar's total assets should be Tk62 lakh 52 thousand 300. However the ACC found her total wealth of Tk 87 lakh 65 thousand 916 during the investigation. As a result, Nargis Akhtar Tk25 lakhs 13 thousand 616 acquired non-income assets and kept them in usufruct. According to the ACC sources, Nargis Akhter's property includes 13.50 percent agricultural land in Genda area of Savar police station of Dhaka district, 5.50 percent land in Ayanapur of Saturia Khana in Manikganj district, Building under construction in Paikpara area of Mirpur police station of Dhaka city, Dhaka. She has more than Tk12 lakh in its various branches in dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. and AB Bank Ltd.

It is mentioned in the statement of the case, that although the said assets were acquired by Nargis Akhtar in her name, the assets were purchased by her husband. Although Nargis Akhtar's documents show small and cottage industry business, in reality, no records, vouchers, or accounts of her business income have been found. As a result, the ACC found evidence that Nargis Akhtar and her husband had obtained illegal assets of Tk.25 lakh 13 thousand 616. The statement also mentioned that if more assets beyond the known income are found during the investigation, they will be included in the case.