Monday, 21 Oct, 2024
Monday, 21 Oct, 2024
The Daily Post

More than a lakh accused in 5 months

Staff Reporter

More than a lakh accused in 5 months
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  • 27 thousand 4 hundred 36 leaders and activists in prison, 1 lakh 364 accused, 12 hundred 94 sentenced
  • BNP claims that leaders and activists left their homes for three months and are living as fugitives and refugees
Three days of mass communication from today;  Dr. Yunus' verdict from Ganobhaban, such complaint of the party

Bangladesh Nationalist Party’s (BNP) millions leaders and activists have been charged in the last five months. BNP leaders and activists have been living as fugitives and refugees for almost three months.

The party's office is giving such information - from last July 28 and 29 till yesterday.

It said that 27 thousand 4 hundred and 36 people were arrested across the country in connection with the program announced by the central executive committee. In 1 thousand 120 cases lakh 364 people are accused. 27 people died, including a journalist. In total 84 cases, 9 people were sentenced to death and 1 thousand 294 leaders-activists were sentenced to various terms.

BNP claimed, the government is prosecuting and arresting the opposition leaders and activists in a series of cases to implement another farce election. The party announced a new program for the non-cooperation movement yesterday. In the unilateral demand for the resignation of the government and the re-establishment of the non-partisan caretaker government system during the elections; a mass communication and leaflet distribution program was announced on January 2 (today), January 3 (Wednesday) and January 4 (Thursday) in favor of the boycott and non-cooperation movement.

Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, Senior Joint Secretary General of BNP, said that an extremely anarchic and dangerous situation has been established around the country by a fake and dummy election of boats. The freedom-loving people have left their homes for the past three months and are living as fugitives and refugees due to the persecution of the police and Awami League (AL). AL Nazis wearing police uniforms, on the orders of Sheikh Hasina, arrest democracy loving people, who are demanding the basic voting rights of 180 million people. The people are being subjected to the worst persecution-brutality in living memory. The air became heavy with the cry of the hungers. On the other hand, the looters are sitting on the mountain of wealth in AL’s happiness festival. The silence of cremation has descended in some townships. The people of independent Bangladesh are now subjugated in their own country.

Rizvi also complained that Sheikh Hasina's ‘dummy government’ has seized power without vote. When to arrest, who to kill, who to keep, who to send across the border, every decision comes from other countries. A few days ago, we all heard and saw that a ‘dummy candidate’ publicly announced himself as ‘candidate of India’ in the ongoing dummy election. This dummy government does not even have the power to take independent decisions, as has been proven once again by such blatant polls.

The BNP office-bearer added that in 2014, 154 out of 300 parliamentarians were strategically elected unopposed before the polling date in Sheikh Hasina's formula, and the rest were slapped with a one-sided ballot. In that election, no voter went to the polling station. On the other hand, in 2018, she set a new example of vote robbery in the world by stealing votes the night before the election. And this time in the 2024 election, she is divided only by his party, the beneficiary alliance, domestic opposition party, fake party created by the intelligence agency called Queen's Party, fungus Party, Drinks Party, Chinnamool Party and some retail parties. Awami League's dummy candidates have become desperate in the arranged election of fragment, by Sheikh Hasina's orders. Normally, there are 2 thousand 260 candidates in this 300 seat election, but only one voter. She herself, Sheikh Hasina, will announce the election through her Awami Election Commissioner, with one symbol, which she likes.

 Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, alleged that Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus has been given motivated verdict. He made this allegation in an online press conference today. Rizvi said, in the alleged case of violation of the labor law, Sheikh Hasina's court sentenced Dr. Muhammad Yunus to 6 months imprisonment today. The entire nation is ashamed of the judgment of this personality. Expressing strong condemnation, I protest and outrage at the verdict.

He also said that the verdict was given based on Sheikh Hasina's revenge. Muhammed Yunus is harassed and threatened. In a discussion meeting on May 18, 2022, Sheikh Hasina threatened to kill Begum Khaleda Zia, by throwing her in the Padma River. Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus was also threatened to drown, by throwing him off the Padma Bridge. Since then, Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus is in deep trouble.

This leader of BNP said, Awami robbers, bank robbers and bankrupt of lakhs of crores of money are not brought under the law, but pride of a nation like Muhammad Yunus, was sentenced and this is completely arranged sentence.


  • Subject :
  • BNP